HospitalNotification Testscripts
3.0.1 - ci-build
This page is part of the DK MedCom HospitalNotification TestScripts (v3.0.1: Release) based on FHIR R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Bundle 2094d603-a09c-462c-a1c9-23859ba035f3 of type message
Entry 1 - fullUrl = MessageHeader/bd146532-0884-407d-85e2-da9a0c399006
Resource MessageHeader:
Generated Narrative: MessageHeader
event: Hospital Notification Message (Details: code hospital-notification-message = 'Hospital Notification Message', stated as 'null')
- Extension Endpoint Receiver * See above (Organization/8858e7e6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002) sender: See above (Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
- Endpoint * focus: See above (Encounter/d00b09e6-b7e7-4c42-8187-a67b94888d34)
Entry 2 - fullUrl = Patient/48393486-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
Resource Patient:
identifier: id: 2509479989
name: Elmer (OFFICIAL)
Entry 3 - fullUrl = Encounter/d00b09e6-b7e7-4c42-8187-a67b94888d34
Resource Encounter:
Generated Narrative: Encounter
Resource Encounter "d00b09e6-b7e7-4c42-8187-a67b94888d34"
Profile: MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter
status: in-progress
class: inpatient encounter (Details: code IMP = 'inpatient encounter', stated as 'null')
subject: See above (Patient/48393486-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002)
period: 2023-03-01 13:00:00+0200 --> (ongoing)
serviceProvider: See above (Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d)
Entry 4 - fullUrl = Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
Resource Organization:
Generated Narrative: Organization
identifier: id: 5790000209354, id: 265161000016000
name: Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital
Entry 5 - fullUrl = Organization/8858e7e6-81c6-11ed-a1eb-0242ac120002
Resource Organization:
Generated Narrative: Organization
identifier: id: 5790001348120, id: 953741000016009
name: Plejecenter Herlev
Entry 6 - fullUrl = Provenance/555b1cdd-eb9a-421a-bae2-b5327dc6dd9e
Resource Provenance:
Provenance for MessageHeader/bd146532-0884-407d-85e2-da9a0c399006
Occurrence 2023-03-01 15:00:02+0100 Recorded 1. mar. 2023 15.00.02 Activity revise-admit-inpatient Agents
who Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d
Entry 7 - fullUrl = Provenance/a7cf3888-6f42-4e4d-929c-d2475d24fba0
Resource Provenance:
Provenance for MessageHeader/b9b4818e-02de-4cc4-b418-d20cbc399006
Occurrence 2023-03-01 14:00:02+0100 Recorded 1. mar. 2023 14.00.02 Activity admit-inpatient Agents
who Organization/o7056980-a8b2-42aa-8a0e-c1fc85d1f40d