DK MedCom HospitalNotification
3.0.0 - Release Denmark flag

This page is part of the DK MedCom HospitalNotification (v3.0.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Encounter derivation that handles hospital notification when a patient is admitted to a hospital. The hospital notification is always send from a hospital. The receiver of the message is the patients home municipalicy. The hospital notification is send for example when patient is admitted, on leave, returned from leave, finished hospital stay.


A message for a HospitalNotification. The message is triggered as patients are admitted, onleave or has finished a hospital stay in order to notify the relevant Municipalicy home care


MessageHeader for a HospitalNotification message.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Includes timestamps for start and end of leave of a hospitalization.


Indicates whether the recipient should send a report of admission


Recipient of a report of admission response

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Start hospital stay - admitted’. Without request for a reportOfAdmission. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘Start hospital stay - admitted’

HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘Start hospital stay - admitted’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Encounter - RE_STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘Update Start hospital stay - admitted’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN.

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Start hospital stay - admitted’. reportOfAdmissionFlag is ‘true’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - RE_STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘Update Start hospital stay - admitted’

HospitalNotification Message - AN_STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted’

HospitalNotification Encounter - AN_STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - RE_STIN.

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Revise Start hospital stay - admitted’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - STOR

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘Start leave’

HospitalNotification Encounter - STOR

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘Start leave’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - AN_STIN.

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Encounter - SLOR

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘End leave’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STOR.

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Start leave’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - SLOR

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘End leave’

HospitalNotification Encounter - SLHJ (inpatient)

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector’ (inpatient). Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLOR.

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘End leave’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - SLHJ (inpatient)

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector’ (inpatient)

HospitalNotification Message - MORS (inpatient)

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘Deceased’ (inpatient)

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLHJ (inpatient).

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector’ (inpatient). Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Encounter - MORS (inpatient)

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘Deceased’ (inpatient). Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - STAA

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘Start hospital stay - acute ambulant’

HospitalNotification Encounter - STAA

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘Start hospital stay - acute ambulant’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - MORS (inpatient).

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Deceased’ (inpatient). Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STAA.

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Start hospital stay - acute ambulant’. reportOfAdmissionFlag is ‘true’. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STAA.

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Start hospital stay - acute ambulant’. Without request for a reportOfAdmission. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Encounter - SLHJ (acute ambulant)

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector’ (acute ambulant). Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - SLHJ (acute ambulant)

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector’ (acute ambulant)

HospitalNotification Encounter - MORS (acute ambulant)

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘Deceased’ (acute ambulant). Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - MORS (acute ambulant)

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘Deceased’ (acute ambulant)

HospitalNotification Encounter - STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationEncounter ‘Start hospital stay - admitted’. With different serviceProvider and sender organisation in the Bundle. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification Message - STIN

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessage ‘Start hospital stay - admitted’. With different serviceProvider and sender Organization.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - SLHJ (acute ambulant).

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector’ (acute ambulant). Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - MORS (acute ambulant).

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Deceased’ (acute ambulant). Only Valid if used in a Bundle.

HospitalNotification MessageHeader - STIN.

Example of MedComHospitalNotificationMessageHeader ‘Start hospital stay - admitted’. With different serviceProvider and sender organisation. Only Valid if used in a Bundle.


These are resources that are used within this implementation guide that do not fit into one of the other categories.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient who is deceased and with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Deceased Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Receiver organization - Plejecenter Herlev.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Sender organization - Hjerteafdelingen på Herlev og Gentofte hospital.

Example of a MedComMessagingOrganization with SOR and EAN identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

ServiceProvider organization - Hjertemedicinsk sengeafs. S103

Example of a MedComCoreOrganization with SOR identifier. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer

Example of a MedComCorePatient with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.

Patient - Bruno Test Elmer (deceased)

Example of a MedComCorePatient who is deceased and with minimal information. Only valid if used in a Bundle.