Danish MedCom Core
2.3.0 - Release Denmark flag

This page is part of the DK MedCom Core (v2.3.0: Release) based on FHIR R4. The current version which supercedes this version is 2.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: MedComCorePatient

Official URL: http://medcomfhir.dk/ig/core/StructureDefinition/medcom-core-patient Version: 2.3.0
Active as of 2023-10-31 Computable Name: MedComCorePatient

Patient/citizen resource to use as subject in MedCom communication.

Scope and usage

MedComCorePatient profile describes information about a patient or citizen in a MedCom standard. The MedComCorePatient is inherited from the DkCorePatient profile defined by HL7 Denmark. An identifier and the patients official family name (‘efternavn’ in Danish) shall both be present, when exchanging patient related information.

Please refer to the tab “Snapshot Table(Must support)” below for the definition of the required content of a MedComCorePatient.

Patient identifiers

A MedComCorePatient shall include an identifier, containing a value which is the actual id and a system which is used to identify a set of unique values.

When a patient has an official civil person register (CPR)-number this shall be used. To represent a CPR-number, the identifier DkCoreCprIdentifier shall be used. In the identifier the system is used to describes that value is an official CPR-number, as described on cpr.dk.

Only in cases where the patient does not have an official CPR-number, a replacement person identifier (Danish: Erstatningspersonnummer) (eCPR)-number shall be used. To represent an eCPR-number the identifier MedComCoreECprIdentifier shall be used. The identifier shall include a value of maximum 10 values and a system. Currently, it is possible to use the national eCPR register defined by the Danish health Data Authority as system. However, the list of possible systems for eCPR-numbers may be extended if there is consensus between stakeholder to add another system to the ValueSet.


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from DkCorePatient

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Patient 0..*DkCorePatientInformation about an individual or animal receiving health care services
... identifier S1..*IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
... identifier:cpr SΣ0..1DkCoreCprIdentifierUnique identification number for all citizens in Denmark, called civil person register (CPR-number).
... identifier:ecpr S0..1MedComCoreECprIdentifierReplacement person identifier (E-CPR). This identifier must only be used in cases where a person does not have an official CPR-number.
... name:official S1..1HumanName[DA] Officielt navn, som det fremgår af CPR registeret
.... family S1..1stringFamily name (often called 'Surname')
.... given S0..*stringGiven names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names
... telecom S0..*MedComMessagingContactPointDetails of a Technology mediated contact point (phone, fax, email, etc.)
... deceased[x] S0..1boolean, dateTimeShall only be sent if the patient is deceased or the status change from deceased to non-deceased
... address S0..*AddressAn address for the individual
.... line S0..*stringStreet name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
.... city S0..1stringName of city, town etc.
.... postalCode S0..1stringPostal code for area
... managingOrganization 0..1Reference(MedComCoreOrganization) {b}Organization that is the custodian of the patient record

doco Documentation for this format


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron