DK MedCom Terminology
1.7.0 - release Denmark flag

This page is part of the MedCom Terminology (v1.7.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: MedComMessagingMapFhirToSorEdi

Official URL: Version: 1.7.0
Active as of 2023-02-27 Computable Name: MedComMessagingMapFhirToSorEdi

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap medcom-messaging-mapFhirToSorEdi

Mapping from MedComMessagingMessageTypes to MedComMessagingSorEdiValues

ACTIVE. Published on 2023-02-27 by MedCom (MedCom:

Group 1 Mapping from MedComMessagingEventCodes to MedComMessagingSorEdiCodeSystem

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
care-communication-messageis equivalent toFDIS91 (Care Communication Message (Korrepondance meddelelse))
hospital-notification-messageis equivalent toFDIS20 (Hospital Notification Message (Advis om Sygehusophold))
acknowledgement-messageis equivalent toFCTL (Acknowledgement Message (Kvittering))