ValueSet Comparison between vs


ErrorValueSet.versionValues for version differ: '1.4.0' vs '1.5.0'


          .descriptionValueSet including detailed issues describtions.
                                • Values Differ


                                  ..ConceptMSG_ID_INVALIDId has an invalid character
                                    ..ConceptMSG_ID_TOO_LONGId %s too long (length limit 36)
                                      ..ConceptMSG_BAD_FORMATBad syntaxt: '%s' must be %s'
                                        ..ConceptMSG_BAD_SYNTAXBad sysntaxt in %s
                                          ..ConceptMSG_DATE_FORMATThe date value is not in the correct format (XML Date Format required)
                                            ..ConceptMSG_DUPLICATE_IDDuplicate Id %s for resource type %s
                                              ..ConceptMSG_INVALID_IDID not accepted
                                                ..ConceptMSG_JSON_OBJECTJSON Source for a resource should start with an object
                                                  ..ConceptMSG_LOCAL_FAILUnable to resolve local reference to resource %s
                                                    ..ConceptMSG_NO_MATCHNo Resource found matching the query
                                                      ..ConceptMSG_NO_EXISTResource Id does not exist
                                                        ..ConceptMSG_NO_SUMMARYNo Summary for this resource
                                                          ..ConceptMSG_PARAM_INVALIDParameter %s content is invalid
                                                            ..ConceptMSG_PARAM_NO_REPEATParameter %s is not allowed to repeat
                                                              ..ConceptMSG_PARAM_UNKNOWNParameter %s not understood
                                                                ..ConceptMSG_RESOURCE_ID_MISMATCHResource Id mismatch
                                                                  ..ConceptMSG_RESOURCE_FAILUnable to allocat Resource Id
                                                                    ..ConceptMSG_RESOURCE_ID_MISSINGResource Id missing
                                                                      ..ConceptMSG_RESOURCE_NOT_ALLOWEDNot allowed to submit a resource for this operation
                                                                        ..ConceptMSG_RESOURCE_REQUIREDA resource is required
                                                                          ..ConceptMSG_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCHResource type mismatch
                                                                            ..ConceptMSG_TRANSACTION_DUPLICATE_IDDuplicate Identifier in transaction: %s
                                                                              ..ConceptMSG_TRANSACTION_MISSING_IDMissing Identifier in transaction - an must be provided
                                                                                ..ConceptMSG_UNKNOWN_TYPEResource type %s not recognised
                                                                                  ..ConceptMSG_VERSION_AWAREVersion aware updates are required for this resource
                                                                                    ..ConceptMSG_VERSION_AWARE_CONFLICTUpdate Conflict (server current version = %s, client version referenced =%s)
                                                                                      ..ConceptMSG_VERSION_AWARE_URLVersion specific URL not recognised
                                                                                        ..ConceptMSG_WRONG_NSThis does not appear to be a FHIR element or resource (wrong namespace %s)
                                                                                            ..ConceptMSG_Receiver_Identifier_UNKNOWNReceiver identifier unknown
                                                                                              ..ConceptMSG_Receiver_Identifier_MISSINGReceiver identifier missing
                                                                                                ..ConceptMSG_RECEIVER_UNABLE_TO_RECEIVE_MSG_TYPEReceiver unable to receive this Message type
                                                                                                  ..ConceptMSG_VALUESET_VALUE_UNKNOWNThe value provided is not in the valueset
                                                                                                    ..ConceptMSG_CodeSystem_VALUE_UNKNOWNThe value provided is not in the CodeSystem
                                                                                                      ..ConceptMSG_Element_To_LongThe value of the element is to long
                                                                                                        ..ConceptMSG_Datatype_WrongThe data type is wrong
                                                                                                          ..ConceptMSG_Mailbox_Out_Of_OperationThe mailbox is temporary out of operation
                                                                                                            ..ConceptMSG_Damaged_durin_transportThe message has been damaged during trasport


                                                                                                              Unable to generate expansion - see errors