Code | Display | Comments |
new-message | A new message has been sent | |
forward-message | A message has been forwarded and potentially changed | |
reply-message | A message has been replied to | |
retract-message | A message has been retracted/cancelled | |
modified-message | A message has been modified | |
carboncopy-message | An exact copy of a message to a primary receiver has been sent to a carbon copy receiver | |
admit-emergency | Start hospital stay-acute ambulant | Start hospital stay - acute ambulant | - display changed from left to right
revise-admit-emergency | Update of Start hospital stay-acute ambulant | Update Start hospital stay - acute ambulant | - display changed from left to right
cancel-admit-emergency | Cancellation of start hospital stay-acute ambulant | Cancellation Start hospital stay - acute ambulant | - display changed from left to right
admit-inpatient | Start hospital stay-admission | Start hospital stay - admitted | - display changed from left to right
revise-admit-inpatient | Update of start hospital stay-admission | Update Start hospital stay - admitted | - display changed from left to right
cancel-admit-inpatient | Cancellation of start hospital stay-admission | Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted | - display changed from left to right
start-leave-inpatient | Start leave | |
revise-start-leave-inpatient | Update of Start leave | Update Start leave | - display changed from left to right
cancel-start-leave-inpatient | Cancellation of Start leave | Cancellation Start leave | - display changed from left to right
end-leave-inpatient | End leave | |
revise-end-leave-inpatient | Update of End leave | Update End leave | - display changed from left to right
cancel-end-leave-inpatient | Cancellation of End leave | Cancellation End leave | - display changed from left to right
discharge-emergency-home | End hospital Stay - patient discharged to home/primary sector | End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector | - display changed from left to right
discharge-inpatient-home | End hospital Stay - patient discharged to home/primary sector | End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector | - display changed from left to right
revise-discharge-emergency-home | Update of End hospital Stay | Update End hospital stay – patient completed to home/primary sector | - display changed from left to right
revise-discharge-inpatient-home | Update of End hospital Stay | Update End hospital stay – patient completed to home/primary sector | - display changed from left to right
cancel-discharge-emergency-home | Cancellation of End hospital Stay | Cancellation End hospital stay – patient completed to home/primary sector | - display changed from left to right
cancel-discharge-inpatient-home | Cancellation of End hospital Stay | Cancellation End hospital stay – patient completed to home/primary sector | - display changed from left to right
acknowledgement | Acknowledgement message has been sent | |