DK MedCom Messaging
2.2.0 - release
This page is part of the DK MedCom Messaging (v2.2.0: Release) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Active as of 2024-06-28 |
Mappings for the medcom-messaging-provenance resource profile.
MedComMessagingProvenance | ||
Provenance | Event | |
occurred[x] | Event.occurred[x] | |
occurred[x] (occurredDateTime) | Event.occurred[x] | |
location | Event.location | |
reason | Event.reasonCode | |
activity | Event.code | |
agent | Event.performer | |
type | Event.performer.function | |
who | |
MedComMessagingProvenance | ||
Provenance | Entity. Role, or Act, ControlAct[isNormalAct() and subsumes(CACT, classCode) and moodCode=EVN] | |
text | Act.text? | |
contained | N/A | |
extension | N/A | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
target | ./outboundRelationship[isNormalActRelationship() and typeCode=SUBJ]/target OR ./participation[isNormalParticipation() and typeCode=SBJ]/role OR ./participation[isNormalParticipation() and typeCode=SBJ]/role[isNormalRole()]/player | |
occurred[x] | ./effectiveTime[type=IVL_TS] | |
occurred[x] (occurredDateTime) | ./effectiveTime[type=IVL_TS] | |
recorded | unique(./participation[isNormalParticipation() and typeCode=AUT]/time[type=TS]) | |
policy | ./inboundRelationship[isNormalActRelationship() and typeCode="SUBJ"]/source[isNormalAct and subsumes(POLICY, classCode) and moodCode=EVN]/text[typeCode='ED'/tel | |
location | unique(./participation[isNormalParticipation() and typeCode=LOC]/role[isNormalRole() and subsumes(SDLOC, classCode)]/player[isNormalEntity and classCode="LOC" and determinerCode="INST"] | |
reason | unique(./reasonCode) | |
activity | Act.code | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
coding | union(., ./translation) | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
system | ./codeSystem | |
version | ./codeSystemVersion | |
code | ./code | |
display | CV.displayName | |
userSelected | CD.codingRationale | |
text | ./originalText[mediaType/code="text/plain"]/data | |
agent | ./participation[isNormalParticipation()] OR ./outboundRelationship[isNormalActRelationship() and typeCode='DRIV'] | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
type | .role | |
role | .typecode | |
who | .id | |
onBehalfOf | Person, Practitioner, Organization, Device :* .role [classCode = RoleClassMutualRelationship; role.code and * .scopes[Role](classCode=IDENT) and *.plays [Role.Code] | |
entity | ./subjectOf | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
modifierExtension | N/A | |
role | ./typeCode | |
what | ./text/reference | |
id | n/a | |
extension | n/a | |
reference | N/A | |
type | N/A | |
identifier | .identifier | |
display | N/A | |
agent | ./author/role | |
signature | ./signatureText |
MedComMessagingProvenance | ||
Provenance | Activity | |
target | Entity Created/Updated | |
occurred[x] | Activity.startTime & Activity.endTime | |
occurred[x] (occurredDateTime) | Activity.startTime & Activity.endTime | |
recorded | Activity.when | |
location | Activity.location | |
reason | Activity.Activity | |
activity | Activity.Activity | |
agent | Agent | |
type | Agent.Attribution | |
entity | Entity | |
role | Entity.role | |
what | Entity.Identity |
MedComMessagingProvenance | ||
Provenance | ||
target | FiveWs.what[x] | |
occurred[x] | FiveWs.done[x] | |
occurred[x] (occurredDateTime) | FiveWs.done[x] | |
recorded | FiveWs.recorded | |
location | FiveWs.where[x] | |
reason | FiveWs.why[x] | |
activity | FiveWs.why[x] | |
agent | FiveWs.who | |
who | |
MedComMessagingProvenance | ||
Provenance | ||
target | AuditEvent.entity.reference | |
recorded | AuditEvent.recorded | |
policy | AuditEvent.agent.policy | |
location | AuditEvent.agent.location | |
reason | AuditEvent.purposeOfEvent | |
agent | AuditEvent.agent | |
type | AuditEvent.agent.type | |
role | AuditEvent.agent.role | |
entity | AuditEvent.entity | |
role | AuditEvent.entity.lifecycle | |
what | AuditEvent.entity.reference |